Marriages break after Matchmaking (gunamilan)- In astrology, it is possible to see a good & bad match for a couple, but it’s not that easy, and when most people rely on junk astrology they end up in a divorce if they do not get lucky by chance. This is why some might say, “he, I didn’t need an astrologer.
Why Marriages break after Matchmaking Horoscopes In Astrology
In Astrology there is something called Kundli Match, this is more of a Vedic astrology term. I will tell you right now that most astrologers have Kundli Match wrong as well. Kundli match is simply a way of looking at boy & girls birth chart in software, matching their horoscopes and looking at the score that software throws out. There is a maximum of 36 points you can get in the Kundli match. The problem is the score of 36 doesn’t mean anything. Most astrologers I tested looked at the score and simply said this is not a good match while this is a good match. I knew something wasn’t right. Once I learned the true secrets of astrology I realized that score is 25% of the entire game.
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One thing you must focus on while finding Online Love Problem Astrologer is that you must ensure that She has a good experience and has solved cases for some real persons whom you refer to. Once you can find a best love astrologer, you can be sure that you are on right track to solving all your problems in your love life and will achieve a good result to marry the love of your dreams.
The proper way to do a Kundli Match is to look at the boy and girl’s Moon and Venus, this is checked even before checking for Jupiter’s position or Ascendant lord position. A woman’s Moon in her birth chart should always come after Man’s moon.
If a girl in her birth chart has Moon in the 4th house, then the best position for the boy’s moon would be to be anywhere between 1st house- 4th house, and if the boy’s moon is also in the 4th house of his birth chart then the moon’s degree should be lower then girl’s moon degrees. Why is this important you ask? The reason is simple, the moon is feelings, and emotions and the man’s moon should always cater to the woman’s moon while reaching out to her.
The same goes for Venus, as Venus is lovable feelings, and a man needs to be there for the woman first before a woman can do that. This is why women are always in the receptive role in the evolutionary process.
You need to check for the position of the 7th house. 7th house in Astrology represents marriage partnership, and if that house is damaged then marriage will not last if happened at the wrong time with the wrong person.
If there is Saturn in the 7th house, Rahu in the 7th house then marriage is either delayed or problem in the marriage of this particular person is not meant for marriage, but obviously do not go on this factor, there are many other factors that determine this.
There are a total of eight gunaas that are calculated for matching two kundalis. Every gunaa holds its own importance and the total of these eight gunaas is 36. For compatibility, a minimum of 18 Gunna should match.
Want to get your kundalis matched? Feel free to talk to us astrology expert Dr.Madhu Priya Call at +91-7307031998 and book your appointment now!