
Aries :Tarot card: Reversed The Hierophant

Today is a day for taking a chance, Aries. Sometimes, when we play it too safe, we hold ourselves back. It’s like staying inside a box of rules and logic, but life isn’t just black and white. There are grey areas where exciting things happen. So, step out of your comfort zone, embrace progress, and not let strict rules limit your potential. Remember, life is a mix of colours, not just black and white.

Taurus :Tarot card: Two of Wands

It’s time to make wise decisions. Don’t rush into things; instead, take a moment to consider all your options. Hasty choices can lead to regrets, and we don’t want that. Think it through, weigh the pros and cons, and make a decision that feels right for you. Remember, patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to making important choices.

Gemini: Reversed The Priestess

Feeling a bit confused, Gemini? It happens to the best of us. Take a deep breath, be patient, and don’t panic. Confusion is just a temporary state. Use this time to learn more about yourself. Life’s a journey, and sometimes we encounter bumps along the way. Embrace the uncertainty, be kind to yourself, and remember, this too shall pass.

Cancer: Tarot card: Reversed Three of Cups

Money matters, Cancer. Before making purchases, distinguish between needs and wants. It’s easy to get carried away, but being mindful of your spending is crucial. Don’t let your desires lead you astray. Consider the bigger picture, evaluate your priorities, and make wise, thoughtful decisions to achieve your financial goals.

Leo: Tarot card: Reversed Six of Swords

Honesty is the best policy, Leo. Even if it means standing alone, stick to your truth. Seeking approval from others isn’t necessary. Your integrity stands on its own. Embrace your individuality, and remember, you don’t need others to validate your actions. Stay true to yourself, and the right people will appreciate your authenticity.

Virgo: Tarot card: Three of Pentacles

Discover your talents, Virgo. You might be surprised by what you’re good at. Test the waters by volunteering or helping friends. Your skills have value, and you could turn them into a side gig. Start small, seek feedback, and who knows where this journey might take you. The important thing is to take that first step.

Libra :Tarot card: Reversed The Emperor

Choosing peace over conflict is always the better option. You’re learning to pick your battles wisely and not get upset over things that aren’t worth it. Turning the other cheek doesn’t mean you’re weak—it means you have better things to do with your time.

Scorpio :Tarot card: Two of Wands

Taking the first step can be scary, but it’s necessary if you want to grow. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and face your fears head-on. You’ll realize how brave you are and wonder why you were ever nervous in the first place.

Sagittarius :Tarot card: The Chariot

Life is full of challenges that help you discover who you really are. So, when things get tough, remember that they’re actually gifts in disguise. They’re helping you grow into the best version of yourself.

Capricorn :Tarot card: Six of Wands

Good news is on the way! Someone you care about is going to share something positive with you, and it’s going to make your day. Maybe it’ll even keep you smiling for the rest of the week!

Aquarius :Tarot card: Six of Swords

Sometimes, it’s okay to let relationships fade away. If something is toxic and can’t be fixed, it might be better to stop communicating altogether. They’ll get the hint, and you can move on without drama.

Pisces :Tarot card: Three of Wands

Knowing your life’s purpose makes everything so much easier. Once you’re clear about what you’re meant to do, you can say no to things that don’t align with that purpose. Today, you’ll experience a moment of clarity that sets you free.