
Numerology Numbers 1 to 9

Numerology Meaning

Like Astrology, Numerology believes that your birthday reveals something important about your personality. In general, numerologists believe that numerology and the links between numerology are mystical and significant. Some think it can be used to forecast the future; others believe that numbers are primarily symbolic. Sceptics argue that numerology is a pseudo-science and that numbers cannot confer meaning beyond their real numerical value in and of themselves. Research into numerological claims did not show natural psychological capacity. Nevertheless, the practice has many contemporary fans, including some players who use it to choose good numbers. One popular concept in a numerology chart is called “Life path Number”, which is believed to reveal some essential truth about your personality and challenges that you may face in life.

Numerology Number & It’s Reading

A numerology reading entails estimating numbers for your total identification, conditions, pacing, and significant events. It is important to have your core numerology measured in order to understand numerology in your everyday life, in relation to other people, and in the world around you. Your birthday (mm/dd/YYYY), which is your Life Path Number, and your full birth name, which is your Destiny Number, contain the fundamental numbers of your identity. Your Soul Purpose Number is the sum of these two numbers. Your birth name contains an Active Number (first name), Hereditary Numbers (parents’ last names), Soul Urge Number (the sum of your birth name’s vowels), and Personality Number (the total of the consonants of your birth name).

In Numerology, Birth Date is the simplest way to begin. Numerology is all about reaching the root number. In this respect, you lower the digits, except 11 and 22, considered master numbers until you get a single digit (more on this later). This is your number of life path

The number twelve is reduced to one plus two equals three. 1 + 5 = 6 is the product of reducing the date 14, to 1 + 5 = 6.

The year 1992 is reduced to 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 This adds up to 21. 21 is then reduced to 2 + 1 = 3.

What Is Your Life Path Number?

Numerology Number 1

This number 1 is associated with the Sun, and people born under this number are typically very creative, individualistic, and powerful. This number instils a great deal of faith and bravery in the ability to complete every mission. Furthermore, as natural leaders who want to live life to the fullest, these people are uncomplicated and have an honest-to-goodness mentality, which causes them to look at life in a complicated but straightforward way. Get a Better Understanding of Numerology 1.

Numerology Number 2

The number 2 in the numerology chart represents the Moon, and anyone born under this number is nostalgic and romantic rather than action-oriented. Intuition, kindness, thoughtfulness, and delicacy are all characteristics of these individuals. However, one of the most significant characteristics they imbibe is the ability to adapt to various conditions and circumstances. Despite their desire to live a peaceful life, they sometimes find it challenging to make decisions or accept responsibility, which leads to a slew of issues.

Numerology Number 3

The number 3 in the numerology chart tends to flourish in a beautiful and attractive environment. It has a youthful and upbeat spirit, as well as an incredible zest for life. It jumps from one enjoyable experience to the next, eager to meet new people along the way. The number 3’s prized skill is communication, and it employs this talent to cultivate a diverse and interesting circle of friends, lovers, and kindred spirits.

Numerology Number 4

People with the number 4 belong to the planet Uranus, although they are often associated with the Earth. Their nature, their sensitivity, pragmatism and strength are down-to-earth. They are seekers of pleasure and often enjoy the experiences that make them more interested in life’s material aspects. Furthermore, they are also entirely trustworthy, full of ideas and opinions, often making them quite successful in their implementation.

Numerology Number 5

In Numerology, the number 5 is linked with the planet Mercury. These people are very zesty, which is why people love being around them as they tend to brighten up others’ mood. They are adaptable to changes as well, which makes them co-exist peacefully under new circumstances with a different environment. Also, people with the number 5 like to exercise their brains intellectually by challenging themselves into solving quests and pushing their limits by testing themselves into demanding situations.

Numerology Number 6

In the Numerology chart, Venus is represented by the number 6. This number is mainly linked to charity, charm, harmony, stability and splendour. These are more impressive, caring, trusted, romantic, passionate and less convenient and empiric people associated with this figure. Usually, they are homely and love their families because they are more likely to serve others. They are a bit romantic apart from being friendly and concerned about social barriers.

Numerology Number 7

In the Numerology chart, the number 7 is associated with Neptune’s planet and is inclined chiefly towards travel and occultism. They have a spiritual, mystical, intuitive, and wise complexion and may appear insensitive and unemotional. They are, however, very close to the truth and seek knowledge like no other. Despite being shy and introverted, they have a significant influence and impact on those around them. They have a philosophical mindset that draws people towards them for advice, even if they are going through a lot on the inside.

Numerology Number 8

This number 8 is associated with the planet Saturn and is characterised by being unusual, individualistic, rebellious, and eccentric, but these are the qualities that enable them to be quite successful in wealth and materialistic aspects. They have a very organised approach to dealing with things and situations, making them naturally strong, focused, and goal-oriented. They are good at managing teams and completing tasks because they are natural leaders. These people are imaginative, decisive, and think in very creative ways.

People with the number 9 are closely associated with the planet Mars. They have a very artistic approach, which makes them very expressive. They have a strong desire to delve into the darkest recesses of the human soul and spirit to get to know others from the inside out. They are not only creative and intuitive but also sympathetic, spiritual, and sensitive. They can appear a little outlandish at times, which is why they can find it challenging to find partners who can match their level of frequency.

What is Numerology?

Each substance in the Universe is made out of Vibration and energy!!

Numerology is characterized as the study of numbers which is utilized to anticipate the pattern of your life and decide your future. Numerology is demonstrative of the signs of your life. It helps in figuring out yourself and accordingly utilizing the open doors you experience. A device helps in acquiring experiences and information to draw out the best in your life. In Numerology a number worth relegated to each letter of the letter set. Language and numbers act as the method for conveying contemplations and in this manner both bear a cozy relationship with one another. The vibrations you transmit and draw not entirely settled by the mathematical upsides of the letters in your name. The birth date depicts what our identity is, what we are great at and what our inherent capacities are.
Calculate your Life Path Number, Soul Urge Number, and Expression Number based on nothing more than your name and birth date.

Numerology Expert in Delhi

Numerology is a Heavenly Science which goes past the limits of Standing, variety, statement of faith, language, religion and ethnicity. Our master numerologist in Delhi think about the science, craftsmanship, stargazing, and arithmetic behind your prophetic readings and proposition you with the genuine arrangements. Our numerology administration in Delhi offers extraordinary perusing meetings by the master Vedic crystal gazer for marriage, vocation, abundance, business and so on. You can contact our Numerology expert in Delhi on our site and book the administrations on the web or call us on +91 7307031998 Our web-based soothsayers and the best numerologist in Delhi and the live discussion boards offer constant arrangements. When you are fruitful in making the arrangement, post the meeting, you can likewise get to the reports on the web. Aside from the numerology administrations we likewise offer the administrations of a specialist Vastu advisor for every one of your questions related with the property, Jewels proposals alongside yearly as well as full life expectations in light of your horoscope.

Numerology Consultation

Numerology Full Life Consultation, Name Check, Name Correction

Numerology Life Consultation for an individual and family – A complete review of life to be, while a clear commentary on past life’s unfulfilled karmas if any, that may be catastrophic if not paid. A detailed view to various personal and professional relationships. Financial and health related blockages and remedies.

Health – It is an insight to your healthy life. What can be the possible health issues and the areas where you need to be careful? Also the karmic effect on your health and the remedies related to it.

Wealth – Wealth does not only mean money. It really is about the abundance in material life such that one can lead a happy fulfilling life without the constant battle for resources and opportunities. What does your destiny say about your wealth? How can you aggregate your luck in matters such that you can deal with money powerfully? One’s career and business decisions are also tied closely with their wealth. So, this is about making all those decisions that affect your comfort, confidence and quality of life.

Relationship – We as social animals tend to built relationship throughout our life. How can you build and maintain relationships that lead to a happy, contended and peaceful life. Here we help you with all types of relationships including marriages, business partnerships, coworkers, team building and much more.

Purpose of Life – Every life has a purpose of its existence. What the way of your life and how you will identify and follow the track you are destined for.

Past Life Karmic Debt & solutions – As a new beginning starts with the debt of past life it is important to look into its effect in the present life. How can you repay the debts and lead life such that you do not create any new karmic debts.

Repetitive challenges in this life – In life there are some challenges which repeat even when you have done all that you possibly can to avoid those. Some people deal with bad relationships, some are repeatedly cheated by people, some earn but the money does not stay and so on. Most of these are the result of past life karmic debts and till they are identified and dealt with, these repetitive problems continue. We help you figure out these challenges and work towards remedying them

Remedies – For every problem there is a solution and this comes with doing some remedies. These are not only important to make one free from problem but also to secure the future..


Parents want their children to live happily, excel at everything and harmonize with others. The baby numerology name provides your baby with the same benefits you have expected all along.

An infant can’t decide things on their own but his/her parents can. Having a numerology name from the very start can be beneficial beyond limits. As it will hone the talents, characteristics, abilities, capabilities, and skills in the child until he/she grows up to finally exhibit them.


Transferring the family name to the spouse, it will invite damage instead of benefits. You might have experienced those pointless fights with your husband, incompatibility with your in-laws, each step a major reason for contempt in others’ perception, and whatnot?
This is because your family name is not compatible with your first name. This can even diminish the beneficial results if you already have a first name decided by numerology.


Any adult can have their name analyzed and corrected. We provide you with the best numerology name suggestions. These names prove lucky and lucky name numerology sees to it.


A numerology business name attracts a lot of successful opportunities. It also sends a positive message to the customer, your staff, your partners, investors, and suppliers. That is why a successful business name is not only necessary but crucial to your business’ success.

With numerology, we suggest you with a business name that holds strong energy. It makes your business attract prime prospects, fetch successful deals, and reap progressive results


  • 30 mins Discussion on Child Name Suggestion
  • Focuses on Various Area of Infant’s Life
  • Predictions and Characteristics
  • Major Areas of Growth & Talents
  • Life Revelation
  • Life Path Discussion


  • 60 mins Discussion on Specific Area of Life
  • Numerology Name Suggestion
  • Consultation for Remedying Issues due to Existing Name
  • How Name Change Can Affect Your Life
  • Realize Your True Potential
  • Last Name Change can be discussed


  • 60 mins Discussion on Last Name Suggestion
  • Predictions and Characteristics
  • Major Areas of Growth & Talents
  • Life Revelation
  • Life Path Discussion


  • 50 mins Discussion on Business Name Suggestion
  • Predictions and Characteristics
  • Major Areas of Growth & Line of Business
  • Life Revelation
  • Brand & Companies Mother Name Compatibility
  • Company Talent Retention