सूर्य ग्रह का द्वादश भाव में प्रभाव और उपाय
सूर्य ग्रह का द्वादश भाव में प्रभाव और उपाय-प्रथम भाव में सूर्य ( Placement of Sun in the First House) लाल किताब के अनुसार ग्रह को जगाने का अर्थ है उसे शुभ फलदायी बनाना. अगर सूर्य मंदा हो तो उसे शुभ फलदायी बनाने के लिए 24 वर्ष के बाद शादी
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12 Houses in Astrology-1st HOUSE – (Ascendant) It rules body and personality. it is the degree of the sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth at a particular place on the earth. From the point of the Ascendant, the rest of the sky is divided
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Importance of Planetary Aspects in Vedic Astrology-Each planet in Vedic astrology has a special meaning when they aspect a house or planet. They exert a certain kind of influence upon them. Below are planets and the meaning of their aspect. Sun: When the Sun aspects, it shows straightforward direction. It
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Malefic and Benefic Planets in Astrology Each ascendant in Vedic astrology has certain planets that although are benefic in nature, become malefic for that particular ascendant. Functional Benefic Aries- Mars, Sun, Jupiter, and MoonTaurus- Venus, Saturn, and MercuryGemini- Mercury, Venus, and SaturnCancer- Moon and MarsLeo- Sun, Mars, and JupiterVirgo- Mercury and VenusLibra-
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Famous Love Marriages break after Matchmaking (gunamilan)- In astrology, it is possible to see a good & bad match for a couple, but it’s not that easy, and when most people rely on junk astrology they end up in a divorce if they do not get lucky by chance. This
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Planets & Relationship – Best Astrologer in India Planets & Relationship-In your astrological birth chart, there are planets settled in a certain house, sign, degree, nakshatra; while receiving an aspect from a certain planet. These situations as I mentioned will either destroy or make your relationship regal with some of your family
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Significant Planets for Successful Acting Career Acting Career in Astrology-If you wish to have a successful career in acting then these are the combination of sign, planets, and nakshatras which play a significant role as per astrology: Below are the planets, signs, and Nakshatra that show success in Acting after
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Visa Problem Solution-Dr. Madhu Priya- Know theYoga and Solution for Higher Education and Settlement in Foreign Land Foreign travel & Foreign settlement in astrology,PR yoga, Higher Education Yoga in astrology.The birth horoscope or Janam Kundli of an individual does clarify whether he/she can find opportunities for going abroad or not,
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Career Astrology: Best Career Astrologer in Ghaziabad Career through astrology is mainly determined by seeing the person’s passion and obsession in life through the main chart and looking at his or her divisional chart, yes, divisional chart. In Career Astrology, there are a divisional chart that represents all the sectors of
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What are Transits & How You To Calculate Transit Chart? What are Transits & Calculate Transit Chart-The never-ending motion of planets generates effects depending on where they are transiting in your Horoscope. Transit Period Of Planets Due to factors like distance from planet Sun and their rotation speed all planets have
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